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TrailerNot Your Mom's Travel Guide
00:00 / 01:05

Hi! My name is Ashley Jalazo and this is Not Your Mom’s Travel Guide.


I won’t be providing tips and tricks on how to travel without breaking the bank or giving
recommendations for the most Instagram-able places to stay. In this podcast, I’ll be
exploring the topic of traveler’s guilt with guests who have lived abroad and seen some
of the negative impacts of tourism firsthand.


We’ll be discussing everything from climate change to gentrification, overcrowding, over-dependence, and the depletion of local resources caused by the tourism industry. I hope to shed light on a topic that rarely sees coverage outside of scholarly work and in a format that at the very least I
hope you won’t hate. So even if you stumbled upon this podcast looking for dinner
recommendations in Barcelona, stay awhile. We might just change your mind.


This is Not Your Mom’s Travel Guide.

© 2020 by Ashley Jalazo.

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