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Experiment One

In order to tell a more intimate and revealing story about my original piece, a tweet that was seen by hundreds of viewers, I chose to write in a diary entry format for my first experiment. Because the tweet revolved around the topic of heartbreak, it was vague in order to avoid conflict and ultimately keep my feelings to myself. However, a diary entry is indicative of my inner-most feelings, because the original intent is to never have an audience besides myself. While the physical writing felt very authentic, the research process for me felt extremely forced. A diary entry usually doesn’t call for any research aside from a person’s own experiences. However, I researched how the ending of a relationship can have an effect on pre-existing depression. As I was outlining for my sketch draft, I noticed that the timing of the four entries I chose to write about were all during high points of stress in my life. This led me to research how, and to what degree, different  stressors affect mental health.

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